
Do you visit my blog often? Here’s the deal! I would like for you to just click reply below this post and share your name and maybe a little something else.
Can’t wait to see who ya’ll are! {grin}

8 thoughts on “{Request}

  1. Rebecca says:

    Oh, I’m just the person you can’t do without! 😉 Kidding. I visit your blog a lot! 😀 You do a great job and are a wonderful photographer!

  2. Rachaelle says:

    I visit your blog whenever I get the chance…but only because I can’t see you in person! Miss you love you, and you do a great job with your pictures and blog. You have really grown in your photography skills in the past couple years! Fun to watch! God has given you two special gifts…one with your “ear” for playing piano, and one with your “eye” for a great shot! Now, about me- um, ah, ..:) Child of God, Wife to the G.H.O.E. (greatest husband on earth) Mama to 10 sweet munchikins- not time for much else! Wait, you know those cool twine ball lanterns? Well, I made some last week- turned out really neat! As in…come see them!!

  3. I LOVE your photography … I keep coming back to see which photograph I want to purchase from your gallery! {and because I love you!}
    – your extra sister

  4. Jane says:

    This may be a bit delayed, seeing as I just remembered this site!

    But I would love for you to take pictures for/of me someday. 😀
    I think you have a lot of talent and you are putting it to good use, you should be selling your work, people would flock to it!

    Miss you tons, we need to catch up soon. (:

  5. Oh jane!! I miss you too!
    Well I would be honored to take pictures for you:)
    Thank you! We DEF need to catch up! Kelly was just in Morris, and I was bawling him out for not taking me with so I could have come by you!:)

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